Adobe’s Photoshop CC is the industry standard professional photo editing software for digital photographers and graphic artists, now available through the Creative Cloud. If you already know the basics of this powerful program, you’re ready to expand your skills and put the power of Photoshop to work.
Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer II

- Learn how to use specific tools and correct distortion for portrait editing
- Use the various tools available to restore and enhance old and damaged photos
- Learn to incorporate the many special effects and filters that Photoshop offers for photographic projects
- Add patterns to images, and integrate them with advanced layer techniques
- Master filling and covering areas of an image using patching, cloning, and content-aware tools for photo-realistic results, as well as animating still images
- Learn how to use High Dynamic Range processing to create incredible contrast and dynamic images
- Instructor-led course
- 6 weeks in duration
- Courses begin each month
- 2 lessons released each week
- 24 course hours
- Gain confidence in your ability to use Photoshop to enhance your digital photography
- Learn through hands-on experience and feedback from an expert instructor as you practice the techniques taught in the course
Photoshop CC is an exciting release of Adobe’s popular photo editing software. This is an excellent package for photographers to enhance and edit digital images, and in this class, you’ll move into the advanced features for photographers. In the first lesson, you’ll dive into a workflow for digital editing. Photographers often wonder where to start when working with an image, and you’ll get a good idea of the options available and a sequence to follow.
In this lesson, you’ll look at tools to perfect portraits. Although you can use these tools to fine-tune any type of image, you’ll find them especially helpful with the detail work associated with portraiture. You’ll look at the Blur Gallery that gives you professional options for portrait work. You’ll also see how to smooth away wrinkles, remove red eye, and even turn gray hair brown! If only it were so easy in real life. . . .
Distortion. You don’t often strive toward distortion in photography, but with the options in Photoshop, you’ll discover how it can work wonders! You’ll see how to slim a waistline, trim loose edges, and accentuate the positive with distortion tools, including Photoshop’s Puppet Warp tool. You’ll also find out how to correct an image by combining parts of two different photos, and you’ll have a chance to get creative with the many brushes available in Photoshop.
Photoshop gives you lots of options for editing images, and in this lesson, you’ll turn to the task of restoring old and damaged photographs. You’ll see how to reverse the effects of time as well as how to add hints of color to black-and-white images.
In this lesson, you’ll explore advanced ways to use text, special effects, and layers. You’ll master the art of creating text from images and building multilayer documents with sophisticated edging for both text and image components to draw your viewer’s attention right where you want it. You’ll also see how to professionally blend layers together by refining edges with Photoshop’s Refine Edge technology.