Discover Digital Photography

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Discover Digital Photography is designed for the novice photographer with no previous experience with digital cameras.

This course will teach you all about digital cameras, from DSLRs to smart phone cameras and what different equipment is used for. You will learn about different display methods for your camera, including sizing, print options, online storage, and how social media factors into digital photography. And if you have old slides, negatives, or prints, this course will also teach you how to scan those “old school” photo assets.

  • Become familiar with digital photography basics and decision-making tools for choosing the right computer for you
  • Explore the features and functions of digital cameras
  • Understand the need for image storage and the options available
  • Become familiar with the resources for digital photographers on computers and the Internet
  • Explore the options for printing quality prints from digital images
  • Examine the equipment available for scanning film and prints, as well as options for restoring damaged images
  • Realize the options for composing images where you intend to use digital editing as part of the artistic process
  • Instructor led or self paced online course
  • 6-12 weeks to complete
  • 24 course hours
  • Gain confidence using your digital camera to take pictures
  • Capture perfect memories with family and friends
  • Develop a great new, creative hobby



In your first lesson, you’ll have a chance to become familiar with the online classroom and discover the many resources available to you, including the beginning of the Digital Dictionary. You will also learn how digital photography works and what’s needed to get started with a digital workshop at home.


In this lesson, you’ll have an opportunity to understand the key features of a digital camera. This will be helpful as you learn about what to look for both inside and outside the camera and as you explore the different levels of equipment available.


When it’s time to buy your own camera, you’ll want to know how to make the right choice. This lesson covers more of the attributes and features of digital photography, so you’re ready to go shopping!


Digital storage is a big issue. In this lesson, you will learn the ways to address this aspect of digital photography. When it comes to digital images, you’ll need storage spaceā€”not only on your camera, but also on your computer and somewhere offline for backup. This lesson also recommends how to get the most out of your storage space and the best backup option.


Digital photography isn’t limited to traditional cameras! You probably have your phone or tablet with you most of the time, and this lesson explores the option of using that camera to take pictures, display your images, or even do quick editing. If you’ve been a bit confused by all the new terminology connected with smartphones and tablets, here you’ll find easy explanations and clear examples of how to make the most of this technology.


In your first lesson, you’ll have a chance to become familiar with the online classroom and discover the many resources available to you, including the beginning of the Digital Dictionary. You will also learn how digital photography works and what’s needed to get started with a digital workshop at home.

